Green Lane Loans

Loan Terms by State

Checking your eligibility carries no obligations.

Please note that payday loan terms and conditions vary by state due to different state laws and regulations. It's crucial to check with the specific state's official website for the most accurate and up-to-date information. The information below may be subject to changes.

State Max Loan Amount Max Interest Rate Loan Term
Alabama $500 456.25% 10 to 31 days
Alaska $500 435% 14 to 31 days
California $300 460% Up to 31 days
Delaware $1,000 No Limit Up to 60 days
Florida $500 304% 7 to 31 days
Hawaii $600 459% Up to 32 days
Idaho $1,000 No Limit Not Specified
Illinois $1,000 or 25% of gross monthly income 403% 13 to 45 days
Indiana $550 382% 14 days
Iowa $500 433% Up to 31 days
Kansas $500 391% 7 to 30 days
Kentucky $500 459% 14 to 60 days
Louisiana $350 780% Up to 30 days
Michigan $600 369% Up to 31 days
Minnesota $350 200% to 288% Up to 30 days
Mississippi $500 520% Up to 30 days
Missouri $500 1950% 14 to 31 days
Nebraska $500 459% Up to 34 days
Nevada 25% of expected gross monthly income No Limit Not Specified
North Dakota $500 520% Up to 60 days
Ohio $1,000 28% Up to 31 days
Oklahoma $500 395% 12 to 45 days
Rhode Island $500 260% 13 days
South Carolina $550 391% Up to 31 days
Tennessee $500 459% Up to 31 days
Texas Not Specified No Limit 7 to 31 days
Utah No Limit No Limit Up to 10 weeks
Virginia $500 687.76% 2 pay periods
Washington $700 or 30% of gross monthly income 391% Up to 45 days
Wisconsin No Limit No Limit 90 days or less
Wyoming No Limit 780% One calendar month

Please note that payday loans are prohibited in some states, such as Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and others. In these states, there are other lending options that may be available. It's always essential to understand all of your options before deciding on a payday loan.

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